We are thrilled to announce that our admissions process for school year 2023-2024 is now open!

A small update on the process we've done so far: we started the school in 2021 with three full-time teachers and three classrooms (one only half-day open) with 35 children, and in our second year in 2022 we grew to eight full-time teachers, a part-time Spanish teacher, and four classrooms (all full-time open) with 44 students, now serving ages 18 months to 15 years. It is our goal to open a high school in 2024, but until then, we feel like we are comfortable with the spaces we are in now, even though we may be adding a music and fine arts teacher this fall too, and with the hopes of more afterschool and summer programs, which are offered to all local or visiting children, and not just our enrolled. We still have spaces in our classrooms for more students, with a comfortable capacity for 65-70 in total. The first two years of the school's brief life saw many renovation projects to get our classrooms to a level that was ready for suitable programming. We have a few more renovation plans for this coming school year, but feel like we have reached a nice platform, which will continue in the same set-up classroom-wise for this coming school year.
We look forward to continuing growing our school and offering an authentic, farm-based Montessori school to Delaware County children!